ooooooooooooooh! im really crazy! here i am sitting in front of the com eating pizza. i summarize today as pizza day cos i've had canadian pizza for lunch and now pizza hut, both home deliveries. haiz, hope i wont grow too gomok(fat). i think it is inevitable for me to grow fat after eating so much unhealthy food. i CAN'T! i'm too short to grow any fatter!!!!!!! urgh but the food's real tempting.
this holiday has be very badly spent. i guess im getting complacent over my sec year results. :( i really believe that i will be struggling next year :( i do nothing but slack, use com and watch tv. on the com, i play miniclip, watch dramas, play solitaire countless times and of course listen to music. i've realised that i've been listening to same songs as i have since last year(which a few additional ones). they bring back memories of things that i did last year like watching some korean dramas and reading eragon and eldest. they were somehow associated to those things i did whilst listened to them. btw they are by michael learns to rocks and i still like the songs a lot. and to mention dramas that i have watched, i really enjoyed the taiwanese drama the duke of mount deer and the korean drama the successful story of a bright girl. very very enjoyable to watch these! and on going is witch yoo hee. heard janice talk about it a few times, so i trust her taste. not bad so far, a few gorgeous hunks in there!
i've also watched the lake house and mona lisa smile, though that's quite late, there were very interesting movies. and the funny i do i do movie. still can rmb the funny parts. haha
lala this post is exposing all the worthless things i have been doing this holidays. :( not even halfway through homework. :( furthermore my dec is full of activities, sure got no time to touch my homework.. argh! haiz, gotta go
p.s uncle chin nam has allowed me not to pay for tennis lesson! i have graduated!!!!!, but i have detiorated in my performance last week due to my 2 week break from it! yay can play tennis for free!! :) YAAAAAAAAY! :D
p.s number 2. i might not blog for 3 weeks, maybe, will see how first :) i will be having a swishing great time in camp!
see ya!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
10 things about myself
this is a very random post, however random, it carries a lot of meaning in it!
10 things people may not noe about me:
1 - i aspire to be an architect, but im not sure if im up to it.
(i've got really crazy ideas in my mind but they are not really practical, maybe they will next time when everything's so advanced)
2 - i love sour food, please, natuaral sour, sour sweets are fine for me.
(when i was younger, i used to eat pure lime juice when i was hungry. literally lime juice, no sugar, no additional water. i squeezed the lime directly above my mouth and of course i spat the seeds out. maybe this made a hole in my stomach instead of making me full, man.. the acidity! )
3- if i had the choice, i would rather be a boy. no reason.
(actually when i was younger, i was dubbed by one naughty church friend as a boy cos of my short hair and my tomboy ways. i was a little tomboyish then, not sure about now.)
4 - i loved to draw figures with historical clothing when i was young. i loved evertything that was history. from dramas to books to pictures.
(that probably explains my keen interest in history in sec 1 and 2. too bad im not taking it next year)
5 - be it dramas and novels, there must be a tinge of romance and/or comedy and/or adventure. if not i would rather not watch/read it.
(i love korean serials and a few particular regional shows! yeah now u now why)
6 - i LOVE seafood (cockles excluded!)
(im a fan of seafood, from shellfish to fish to shrimps, except cockles!!!!!!!! i ate it when i was younger, now i cant stand the smell of it)
7 - i can and like to cook and bake.
(well my mom does both pretty well, must live up to her standards!)
8 - i think i crush girls more than guys
(living with crushes is absolutely normal. but not sure about the girl part :0 )
9 - friends play a very big part in my live! without them i will not be what i am now
(friends in particular, elyssa, diane, janice, esther, nadine, natalie, lin yan)
10 - i would say im a jane of all trades
(dont get me wrong, im not proud or what, i feel that i do well in almost everything but im never great in any aspect)
this is what's prominent in my life now, not sure if they will change, hope some of it will though. lol.
see ya!
10 things people may not noe about me:
1 - i aspire to be an architect, but im not sure if im up to it.
(i've got really crazy ideas in my mind but they are not really practical, maybe they will next time when everything's so advanced)
2 - i love sour food, please, natuaral sour, sour sweets are fine for me.
(when i was younger, i used to eat pure lime juice when i was hungry. literally lime juice, no sugar, no additional water. i squeezed the lime directly above my mouth and of course i spat the seeds out. maybe this made a hole in my stomach instead of making me full, man.. the acidity! )
3- if i had the choice, i would rather be a boy. no reason.
(actually when i was younger, i was dubbed by one naughty church friend as a boy cos of my short hair and my tomboy ways. i was a little tomboyish then, not sure about now.)
4 - i loved to draw figures with historical clothing when i was young. i loved evertything that was history. from dramas to books to pictures.
(that probably explains my keen interest in history in sec 1 and 2. too bad im not taking it next year)
5 - be it dramas and novels, there must be a tinge of romance and/or comedy and/or adventure. if not i would rather not watch/read it.
(i love korean serials and a few particular regional shows! yeah now u now why)
6 - i LOVE seafood (cockles excluded!)
(im a fan of seafood, from shellfish to fish to shrimps, except cockles!!!!!!!! i ate it when i was younger, now i cant stand the smell of it)
7 - i can and like to cook and bake.
(well my mom does both pretty well, must live up to her standards!)
8 - i think i crush girls more than guys
(living with crushes is absolutely normal. but not sure about the girl part :0 )
9 - friends play a very big part in my live! without them i will not be what i am now
(friends in particular, elyssa, diane, janice, esther, nadine, natalie, lin yan)
10 - i would say im a jane of all trades
(dont get me wrong, im not proud or what, i feel that i do well in almost everything but im never great in any aspect)
this is what's prominent in my life now, not sure if they will change, hope some of it will though. lol.
see ya!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Dearest delightful december!
hey there! im in high spirits now. cos im gonna have a really fun filled december!!
first week's gonna be my fav youth camp of times! the ks camp! going to look forward to have a edifying and fun time. hope i'll do well as a group leader. still remember the great time we had last year, my group reuben's the best! haiz i should move on and stop thinking back all the time.
then the second week, im going to thailand. going with aunty sally's family. she's really comical sometimes and furthermore there's phoebe. im sure i will enjoy the trip alot! :) trying to learn some thai. actually i quite noe some of the basics, but i'll have to revise them really soon if not they will slip of my mind before i even touch thai soil.
third week, ck camp. another youth camp, hope it's great. hope i will get to noe the ce ppl better. not sure about this but i hope i can bridge friendships!
forth week. christmas!!!!! hope i can go for the fe christmas caroling and maybe i can play the guitar. MAYBE! remember the previous year, there was a youth caroling, went to rebecca's and ee jia's house. had a great time! :) then on christmas itself, ce's programme, not sure what's up. and of course the prayer and praise in fe. i might sing, i hope so. then we'll go to watch the fireworks! remember last year, went to labrador park, played mafia, animal chase, volleyball and played and played! it was so late, like 11pm to 3am. but the atmosphere was really great! everyone was so lively cos the year 2007 had begun. hope this year's will relive all the fond memories of its predecessor. :)
well this year's been the best school year of my live! mostly cos of my greatie friends! they really make my school live pass by sooooo fast! in fact i wanna go back to school to be with them, but next year's gonna be different, with elyssa, diane and janice doing goeg instead of lit and dear esther... haiz, all of them rawk!
and i must say that i've not been recovering well from the fact that im in ce instead of fe! miss all the ppl there! and u noe, im doing this cos i really miss someone from fe, someone u'll never ever guess!
alritie! cheers to a delightful december! and a happy christmas and a blessed new year!
see ya!
first week's gonna be my fav youth camp of times! the ks camp! going to look forward to have a edifying and fun time. hope i'll do well as a group leader. still remember the great time we had last year, my group reuben's the best! haiz i should move on and stop thinking back all the time.
then the second week, im going to thailand. going with aunty sally's family. she's really comical sometimes and furthermore there's phoebe. im sure i will enjoy the trip alot! :) trying to learn some thai. actually i quite noe some of the basics, but i'll have to revise them really soon if not they will slip of my mind before i even touch thai soil.
third week, ck camp. another youth camp, hope it's great. hope i will get to noe the ce ppl better. not sure about this but i hope i can bridge friendships!
forth week. christmas!!!!! hope i can go for the fe christmas caroling and maybe i can play the guitar. MAYBE! remember the previous year, there was a youth caroling, went to rebecca's and ee jia's house. had a great time! :) then on christmas itself, ce's programme, not sure what's up. and of course the prayer and praise in fe. i might sing, i hope so. then we'll go to watch the fireworks! remember last year, went to labrador park, played mafia, animal chase, volleyball and played and played! it was so late, like 11pm to 3am. but the atmosphere was really great! everyone was so lively cos the year 2007 had begun. hope this year's will relive all the fond memories of its predecessor. :)
well this year's been the best school year of my live! mostly cos of my greatie friends! they really make my school live pass by sooooo fast! in fact i wanna go back to school to be with them, but next year's gonna be different, with elyssa, diane and janice doing goeg instead of lit and dear esther... haiz, all of them rawk!
and i must say that i've not been recovering well from the fact that im in ce instead of fe! miss all the ppl there! and u noe, im doing this cos i really miss someone from fe, someone u'll never ever guess!
alritie! cheers to a delightful december! and a happy christmas and a blessed new year!
see ya!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
ra ra time with my lovable friends
first shot of the day! esther smiles so widely until her eyes are thread
four of us at the piano, not really posing properly
esther and guess who's behind her. the corny, horny and crappy janice!
esther and janice behind her. janice dunno doing what nonsense with her.
me and my beloved friend esther chew, or rather ah chew!
candid picture of janice and diane
now they pose
this pic looks like a family pic in the living room. very beautiful shot
fun shot, i pushed esther, lol!
world map in pri school ne corner. i still rmb the push button to have shed light on different continents
hamburger face esther! we tricked her into doing it alone! :)
without specs,all of us
j and i, taken while auntie esther was delivering food for us.
shake shake and say cheese!
food was still in my mouth! esther smiles so sweetly!
three of us! :)
lollipop anyone?
cream smeared on darling esther's mouth. guess who smeared it. im not gonna say!
trio, we played t he very simple song, but it was nice though!
hi there! yesterday was greatie! :) went for p6 fair at the pri school, went around, there wasnt much variety but the fair was still good. i still rmb playing the piano with my great friends! it was so fun and hilarious.
then went for lunch with janice and esther, :) in short, we ate food and camwhored
then esther and i met yi lin then went for cip. my first session at lsk. it was fun at the first experience! esther and i were in the office, i did the typing, very tedious! and then there was this very irritating clearner aunty. she shouted at us to sit down cos we were walking around bcos we need to look for the staff to ask her whet to do after we finished our job. she kept saying,"你们快去坐下!我要抹地了。"and she went on and on repeating the same words. then we had no choice but to sit down. then i whispered to esther that the aunty want to 'die'. why, bcos she said she wants to mati! lol then esther laugh and laugh until she roll on the floor, then i said," hey esther! u helping the aunty 抹地 huh..." then she burst into squeals of laughter. lol had a very good time with esther.
yeah and that's about it! today i went for cip again, not bad lah. today's my second and last day. yeah it went well.
ps, im too lazy to write so much, so that's it for now.
see you.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
i got this from an email, but i've decided to put these interesting stuff on my blog instead of forwarding everything by email.
More chalk drawings from Julian Beever. Incredible!!!!!
Julian Beever is an English artist who's famous for his art on the pavement of England , France , Germany , USA , Australia and Belgium Beever gives to his drawings an amazing 3D illusion.
More chalk drawings from Julian Beever. Incredible!!!!!
Julian Beever is an English artist who's famous for his art on the pavement of England , France , Germany , USA , Australia and Belgium Beever gives to his drawings an amazing 3D illusion.
Look Closely, you can see the Bricks through the Chalk on the Monitor Screen
There is no hole in this pavement???
Girl in Swimming Pool seen in Reverse from Opposite Side of Drawing
Batman and Robin to the rescue(SO COOL)
see ya!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Peer lite training - I LOVE LAICEPS!
this few days - wed to sat, i attended the peer lite training camp. i really really enjoyed it! made friends with more ppl including my seniors. at the end of it(on sat), i really felt so unhappy that the camp ended so early! i had realised that some peer lite seniors were really funny and cool. and some of them were really nice and approachable. and i would miss all that had happened during the camp.
on the first day(wednesday),
i still remember how nervous i was, cos i was really clueless about what was being a peer lite all about and whether i would enjoy myself. i met up with esther and santhiya and then we were waiting at peer lite board as we didnt noe where on earth to go, and there was not a peerlite in sight. we didnt realise that it was stated right under our noses that we were to assemble at the ava theatrette(not sure how to spell). then we saw it, then we went there.. everyone was there already and we just sneaked in and we didnt get caught!
we had singspiration first, i didnt sing cos i couldnt see the words on the screen(cos i was too short...) and there was once we had to jump(i hate jumping to songs!), the peerlite senior to my right, diana, held my arm and started jumping, so i had to jump, n i was jumping without singing, how weird.
then miss kok gave an introduction of what was being a peer lite about and what was expected of us. half of me understood, the other half in some wonderland.
next we got into our group, i was in group three(different group from esther so this made me very reserved.) we introduced ourselves and then we had to come up with a group name. after some discussion, we came up the very special name LAICEPS. it is 'special' spelt backwards. lol how special, i bet no one has ever thought of that. it somehow reminds me of some body part cos it sounds like the sibling of the biceps and triceps.
then it was time for our real training to start, which is a few of us had to train as peer lites in the situation of conducting lessons with the sec 1s. and the seniors had to pretend to be sec 1s. so our job was to deal with all the 'naughty students', 'emo students' and whatever might come by. haha, i must say that our seniors did a very good job in making us feel terrorised by what was to come upon us next year. lol
then we had played the teambuilding games and guess what! my team came in first overall, i must say that we are very good sportsmen!
the 2nd day(thursday),
had singspiration. this time was better as everyone sat at the front, however the problem was that i didnt noe the tune of the songs, so i didnt sing again.
then we went straight to our leeson activity, this time i had to conduct the lesson together with shakila nad ru yuan, i was very blur and of course i didnt do a fantastic job. but the seniors gave us encouragement that we were all learning and that everyone would make mistakes at the first try.
then up next was the crazy flour game, as u the pricing of flour has been raised, so i wonder how the senior had the budget to buy so much flour! well, back to the focus, we had to use our mouths to pick up marshmallows from a mountain of in the end everyone ate flour, breathe flour and had flour-tipped noses! lol, it was quite a sight! but again, my group LAICEPS won this challenge again!
the 3rd day(friday),
this day, i find that it was the least interesting, so i also cant remember much. lol. as usual, we had singspiration, followed by lesson activity. i wasnt in charge this time, so i just listened and participated. then we had team building game, which was the caterpillar game, we had to go roung and scissors paper stone with someone, the loser had to go behind the winner. then the first person in the whole chain would be the winner. i almost became the winner but i lost the very last round, so i wasnt the overall winner.. :( so my group did not win first this time, however we were first overall for our points for all the games played.
the 4th and very last day(saturday),
this day was full day activity, it was the most exciting day and the most team bonding for my team. as very usual, singspiration first, then we had the teambuilding game. it was to melt then big chunk of ice the fastest we could, i shall skip the details and move on to the results, my group was 4th, not too bad though. then we had two lesson activities. the seniors STILL creating a lot of havoc!
then it was lunch time. we ate curry, fishball and a nugget with rice. not bad lah, but some of my poor team mates could not eat spicy, and with the seniors insisting that we had to eat the styrofoam box clean, i had to help her eat.
after that,we had another game activity, that was the shoe factory. wow, i must that it was really nice to see a whole mass of 80plus of us doing the same action in a circle. it was really beautiful, like some syncronisation. i really enjoyed myself in this game. then we played queen of the jungle. we stood up and had to sing a tune while we walked and some seniors were i the middle doing the action. u noe that we really resembled some tribe in africa chanting mantras while we walked round and round.
then we had lesson activity, i was incharge with mabel, i msut say that i really improved, furthermore, my group leader charmaine had only compliments about our performance. :)
then another lesson, by this time all of the juniors in my group had done very well and had shown great improvement from when we first came in.
later on, we had tea break, ate an egg tart and a chicken wing. they were surprisingly filling.
then we were briefed that we were going out to find our dinner. yay! i was so excited. my group received the theme which is 'under the sea'. so we went to heartland mall. went to the cold storage and skp, bought all the stuff and then we went t o the nearby coffee shop to buy seafood hor fun. then we went back to school. we had quite an adventure on the way back to school. my group were at t he bus stop that only provided the bus 113 service, and we weren't lazy ppl, we walked down further to the bus stop which provided 3 bus services. though we missed a 53, my group and amada liew's group got on the 62 bus in time. cos there was another group whichwere too lazy to walk a first, then when they finally walked, they missed 2 busses in a row! lol.
went back to school, prepared the dinner. the tuna on ritz biscuits were exceptionally nice! :). btw, my group emerged top again for the dinner contest! whoo!
then it was time to perform an item for the finale night. i was so nervous that i tripped on a few lines or so. then we had prize presentation. my group of course came in first! we received cute little cacti, one each. i shall show u the pic further down.
after that, we had a every touching end to the night, we formed a hugh cirle and then sang the song 'carry your candle'. everyone swayed to the song whilst hold the cute candles we were given.
then my sweet seniors gave my everyone in my group a sweet present. i shall miss them so!
okay here are the pics of the prezzies!

the cactus

top view of the very sweet cactus

the candle given to everyone of us in the group, given by our seniors (thanks seniors! u all rawk! seniors- diana, lim xi, valery, charmaine and alicia)

top view of the candle, very sweet scented

on the first day(wednesday),
i still remember how nervous i was, cos i was really clueless about what was being a peer lite all about and whether i would enjoy myself. i met up with esther and santhiya and then we were waiting at peer lite board as we didnt noe where on earth to go, and there was not a peerlite in sight. we didnt realise that it was stated right under our noses that we were to assemble at the ava theatrette(not sure how to spell). then we saw it, then we went there.. everyone was there already and we just sneaked in and we didnt get caught!
we had singspiration first, i didnt sing cos i couldnt see the words on the screen(cos i was too short...) and there was once we had to jump(i hate jumping to songs!), the peerlite senior to my right, diana, held my arm and started jumping, so i had to jump, n i was jumping without singing, how weird.
then miss kok gave an introduction of what was being a peer lite about and what was expected of us. half of me understood, the other half in some wonderland.
next we got into our group, i was in group three(different group from esther so this made me very reserved.) we introduced ourselves and then we had to come up with a group name. after some discussion, we came up the very special name LAICEPS. it is 'special' spelt backwards. lol how special, i bet no one has ever thought of that. it somehow reminds me of some body part cos it sounds like the sibling of the biceps and triceps.
then it was time for our real training to start, which is a few of us had to train as peer lites in the situation of conducting lessons with the sec 1s. and the seniors had to pretend to be sec 1s. so our job was to deal with all the 'naughty students', 'emo students' and whatever might come by. haha, i must say that our seniors did a very good job in making us feel terrorised by what was to come upon us next year. lol
then we had played the teambuilding games and guess what! my team came in first overall, i must say that we are very good sportsmen!
the 2nd day(thursday),
had singspiration. this time was better as everyone sat at the front, however the problem was that i didnt noe the tune of the songs, so i didnt sing again.
then we went straight to our leeson activity, this time i had to conduct the lesson together with shakila nad ru yuan, i was very blur and of course i didnt do a fantastic job. but the seniors gave us encouragement that we were all learning and that everyone would make mistakes at the first try.
then up next was the crazy flour game, as u the pricing of flour has been raised, so i wonder how the senior had the budget to buy so much flour! well, back to the focus, we had to use our mouths to pick up marshmallows from a mountain of in the end everyone ate flour, breathe flour and had flour-tipped noses! lol, it was quite a sight! but again, my group LAICEPS won this challenge again!
the 3rd day(friday),
this day, i find that it was the least interesting, so i also cant remember much. lol. as usual, we had singspiration, followed by lesson activity. i wasnt in charge this time, so i just listened and participated. then we had team building game, which was the caterpillar game, we had to go roung and scissors paper stone with someone, the loser had to go behind the winner. then the first person in the whole chain would be the winner. i almost became the winner but i lost the very last round, so i wasnt the overall winner.. :( so my group did not win first this time, however we were first overall for our points for all the games played.
the 4th and very last day(saturday),
this day was full day activity, it was the most exciting day and the most team bonding for my team. as very usual, singspiration first, then we had the teambuilding game. it was to melt then big chunk of ice the fastest we could, i shall skip the details and move on to the results, my group was 4th, not too bad though. then we had two lesson activities. the seniors STILL creating a lot of havoc!
then it was lunch time. we ate curry, fishball and a nugget with rice. not bad lah, but some of my poor team mates could not eat spicy, and with the seniors insisting that we had to eat the styrofoam box clean, i had to help her eat.
after that,we had another game activity, that was the shoe factory. wow, i must that it was really nice to see a whole mass of 80plus of us doing the same action in a circle. it was really beautiful, like some syncronisation. i really enjoyed myself in this game. then we played queen of the jungle. we stood up and had to sing a tune while we walked and some seniors were i the middle doing the action. u noe that we really resembled some tribe in africa chanting mantras while we walked round and round.
then we had lesson activity, i was incharge with mabel, i msut say that i really improved, furthermore, my group leader charmaine had only compliments about our performance. :)
then another lesson, by this time all of the juniors in my group had done very well and had shown great improvement from when we first came in.
later on, we had tea break, ate an egg tart and a chicken wing. they were surprisingly filling.
then we were briefed that we were going out to find our dinner. yay! i was so excited. my group received the theme which is 'under the sea'. so we went to heartland mall. went to the cold storage and skp, bought all the stuff and then we went t o the nearby coffee shop to buy seafood hor fun. then we went back to school. we had quite an adventure on the way back to school. my group were at t he bus stop that only provided the bus 113 service, and we weren't lazy ppl, we walked down further to the bus stop which provided 3 bus services. though we missed a 53, my group and amada liew's group got on the 62 bus in time. cos there was another group whichwere too lazy to walk a first, then when they finally walked, they missed 2 busses in a row! lol.
went back to school, prepared the dinner. the tuna on ritz biscuits were exceptionally nice! :). btw, my group emerged top again for the dinner contest! whoo!
then it was time to perform an item for the finale night. i was so nervous that i tripped on a few lines or so. then we had prize presentation. my group of course came in first! we received cute little cacti, one each. i shall show u the pic further down.
after that, we had a every touching end to the night, we formed a hugh cirle and then sang the song 'carry your candle'. everyone swayed to the song whilst hold the cute candles we were given.
then my sweet seniors gave my everyone in my group a sweet present. i shall miss them so!
okay here are the pics of the prezzies!
the cactus
top view of the very sweet cactus
the candle given to everyone of us in the group, given by our seniors (thanks seniors! u all rawk! seniors- diana, lim xi, valery, charmaine and alicia)
top view of the candle, very sweet scented
the small candle given to every single peerlite
the candle. :) sorry the pic very blur
the candle given to me by valery, my mentor
front view of the candles, from tallest to shortest
okay, i gotta go
see ya!
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