Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Seafood galore (for me to read only, read if u really want to waste time!)
today i have good news for myself! i have sumptuous+scrumptious seafood fest. first of all, i have sharks fin. then i have crab, japanese scallop and lala! whoo hoo! this is so rare that i have such great food. i thanked my mom and she thanked God. so thank you God! thank you chinese new year offers for lowering the prices of some of the items. :) i m a very hairpee person!
the bad part is im having tests every day! yay, i will almost die but i will survive! im crapping a lot now. okay i gotta shut up and study narratives...
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Take me to your heart, in chinese
this song is a excerpt from the chorus of a song 吻别. this video features mainly tank and gary singing falsetto. so cool. btw, the english version, take me to your heart, by michael learns to rock has been my all time favourite. ;)
hope u liked it, guys screaming their heads off. lol! :)
see ya!
Thursday, January 17, 2008

today is a good day, but tomr's uncertain. im scared, i hate tests when i dont do well. maybe im a little to paranoid about my eng compre test, cos i actually have more questions rite than wrong(hopefully). or maybe im belittling myself, i should do better lah. tomr, there's ss test. so almost every day got test... wed there was eng compre, then today, summary. yeah so im going to study now.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
talking about books, i love reading nicholas sparks. other than that, i have been flitting around from different authors. btw, i like TKAM. the 1st part was rather dull but the second is way better. hope this will encourage my friends who are having a hard time turning the pages in the first part to finish it off and then it would be better in the second. :). i think is my shortest word post. n i dunno if that's good or bad.
hopw i have a good year! and lit rocks!
see ya and byebye.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Whoo hoo!
although i cant really cope that well in terms of studies, i mean maths in particular, but the rest are rara time! my friends rawk! they make me so happy. i shall thank God for his abundant love in sending me 4 great friends this year. they are janice, diane, elyssa(same, same from last year) and the new addition, shariel! whoo! my clique rawks.
not to mention, i think im starting to enjoy my cca a lot now. i admit im a really weird person. at first when i first joined my cca, i was very very bo chap. n that remained for the whole year. i still remember there was a time when some of the sec 1s, together with me formed some opposition on having guitar practice as we found it BORING and blah blah. (although i didnt like the pratices, i loved to play the guitar a lot. dont get this mixed up!) yeah so we looked up mrs nair and sort of suggested that we dont have guitar on that day, instead we go home and rest. n mrs nair was of course not happy, she told us that the school pays mr francis to teach us, and then we said, "huh, mr francis get paid meh?" i guess it was because of his kind demeanour that's why we forsook the priveleges we had.
last year was syf year, it was the year i had enjoyed most as a club so far. syf made us closer and when the results fell short of our expectations, we sure got closer to one another. i loved guitar.
then end of last year, i started to find guitar a routine. not that i was compelled to go, i just went along with the rules.
now here i am, liking guitar more n more each session. i hope that doesnt stop! :)
yep, i think that's all i have to say. im going to play sims 2, some ppl find it fun, some boring. i find it more fun than boring, so please dont not comment. :)
thank you and see ya!
Monday, January 7, 2008
When you believe
but anyway,
nice song here, sung by a guy called leon jackson, song guitar club is playing.
(it's on the right column)
:) okay byebye, see ya!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
i've been feeling really lonely nowadays except for shariel. she has been accompanying me for recess and to the library. thanks a lot shariel! :) the main reason for this is because of the trio prefects who are so busy in their duty. :( i really miss them and school horrid without them. :( hope i will be able to sit with them. good thing we are of about the same calibre, so we are in the same class for almost all the banded classes. but i will be still alone for the humans classes, which is so bad........ but i shall give thanks that we are still in the same form class. :)
now let me go on to the lessons so far.
the very first lesson i had on thursday was e maths. miss gail chew(or she changed her surname to her husband's) came in. she told us that the banding had not been confirmed so she was taking us for the day. she did some revision with us on the sec 2 stuff like quadratic equations. and i took home something new that day from her, it was to put the word 'or' instead of putting commas. i mean i never had been corrected previous by any of my math teachers, so i went on to use comma. i wouldnt mind if i stay in miss chew's class as i think she's a fabulous teacher, but considering the marks i got for maths, i dont think i will be in the second class. (i mean i think i will go the better class ;))
during the following period, mr elvis low, teacher of physics, came in to familiarize us with the weightage that was implemented for the o levels. i find him cute with his braces.
then i went recess with shariel.
during chemistry lesson, mrs joyce chong, like mr low introduced us to the expectations of o levels.
english lesson followed. my teacher's miss annabella ong. she looks ang moh although she shares the same surname as me, so i deduced that she's mixed blood. she then gave us her personal profile, she had studied psychology in university and some other thing, i cant remember. and she'd taught in some secondary school. she proudly professed, "although i may look young, im very experienced." i shall choose to believe that she indeed has a belt of experience. :) and she's quite cool. lol. and then we had a round of introducing a friend (instead of the normal introduction of oneself). since vivienne is in the same class as i, she was my part time friend, ( i know im really mean but i just cant wait for janice diane and elyssa to be back!)
followed by was add maths, okay i must say im very afraid for this subject. i shan't say too much but i felt that mr lyndon lim was a little too fast for me. n cos there were the amp girls there, they were really ahead of the rest. and somehow mr lim had always asked an amp girl to present her answer on the board, n they will get it all right. then mr lim said," class, am i too slow?" no! you're not! in fact he was a little fast as i had mentioned earlier.
then i had lunch, during this time i spent most of the time memorising the lessons for peerlite. though it was hard work, it really paid off as the peer lite session was really fun as i knew my work. :) i shall declare it out loud, "being a peer lite has been the most fun and best thing i had taken up in leadership of the school!" thanks for the chance for me to be a peer lite! we played games and taught the lessons.
then in closing, we had this really fun game, by which names of some famous people would be pasted on a few girls forehead while everyone had eyes closed. then we would go one round and the girls with a name had to play the game of guess who. the first one guess was lee hsien loong. the girl who had reached to the state of gathering clues that the person was a very important person in the area of politics in singapore. then someone gave her extra info saying,"aiyah dont think about the party, only got one person..." so it was an easy guess. the last name to be guessed was thomas edison. the girl was hilarious. she was the last and we were running out of time, so we gave her i big clue and it was the man who invented the light bulb. and then she went, " I KNOW! ALBERT EINSTEIN!" lol, everyone was really amused! btw for extra info, albert einstein is nickname my former classmates had given my due to my hair and cos i was a little smarter than them. :)
okay that's all for the second day of school. and it's really late now, im going to church tomr so i shan't miss out n any sleep! will continue the rest next time.
okie dokie, see ya!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
school has started... wasnt really keen on going to school except for the parts on seeing friends. but school turned out okay! i have marvelous classmates, a cute form teacher and my 3 of my best friends in the same class. whoohoo, apart from academics, i think 2008 will be a shiok year! :)
okay watch this video and loosen up!
after seeing this, you might feel really stiff.
ok gotta go! see ya
after seeing this, you might feel really stiff.
ok gotta go! see ya