yesterday, my paternal side families came together to my house for reunion dinner! it is the one of the TWO times we meet a year. the first time being cny eve reunion dinner and the second is on cny itseelf when we go to grandma's house. lol so it is like two times concentrated on to two consecutive days, then wait for another year before we meet.
after school yeterday, i went to bishan library myself( :( no one wanted to go with me). i had to make special trips there as the books i wanted were only available at bishan or central, so of coure i went to bishan since there is direct bus there. i borrowed the 3rd-6th book of the series of 'anne'. the first two books really won my heart! namely anne of green gables and anne of avonlea. i have finish the third yesterday and it didnt disappoint. so today im going to read the forth!
when i came home, i played sims 2 for a real long time, mom was really angry. lol. i still want to play despite exams approaching but that's me, my hedonistic nature. then i started on anne of the island (book 3). then i did A maths quiz online with background noise from my relatives, so couldn't really concentrate. in the end i got full marks but i took ages to do! by then my grandma, 1st and 5th uncle had come, and 5th uncle brought his vietnamese wife. i had never seen her and she is 28 but smaller than me (can you imagine?), but she is very cool when she is planted in the kitchen. she noes how to do a lot of things concerning cooking and chopping of duck. you could say she almost dominated the kitchen along with my mom. so when i wanted to help, i felt so small cos she had so much knowledge and i was scared that i would embarrass myself. btw, she has so much strength, she hacked up the roast duck! lol!
after 30 mins of food preparation, all the food were ready. my second uncle's family, forth uncle's family and second aunt came. okay let me introduce my cousins. 1st uncle has two sons, chong han and chong kai. 2nd uncle has a girl, esther. my dad's third and he has christine, julia and lisa (that's me). 4th uncle, has a daugther name hui ling. 2nd aunt's (dad's sister) a spinster and 5th uncle just got married. yeah this summarises my paternal cousins. and we've quite a diverse in terms of age, chong han being the oldest at 30 and i being the youngest.
coming to food, we had a a range of choices. we had crab, scallop with veg, roast duck, veg salad, pig stomach soup and others. i didnt have the chance to eat all the dishes as i deemed full by the time i ate crab, scallop and veg and drank soup. dunno what happened to my stomach. i can actual eat more then that.
after that my cousins and i (all but chong han, he had go off) gathered in the study to play card games like asshole taiti and and animal chase whilst savouring ben's and jerry's. lol it was so hilarious cos there was once when i couldnt call my cousin's animal moniker cos there was a hugh mouthful of ice cream in my mouth! then we played asshole taiti, i was king twice before i was deposed to the asshole. lol, sad story...
then we went out for a group photo then we tossed yu sheng, i didnt toss as i was filming the process down. and my uncle's wives were spouting all the chinese well wishes. and it was so in the atmosphere. then the 'kids' received their hong bao.
then we went down to play sparklers! we had a lot fun! :) see some of the pics!
group photo

yu sheng, not messed up yet

cousins twirling sparklers

me here, i was a little scared of the sparklers, i was since young, but nevertheless, i always played.
three of us! siblies!
yay today's a great day ahead, we go to my grandma's house and will meet my mom's side for dinner. i will see samuel!! he's so smart and cute! :)
and yes, i have resumed my wordywordy post-writing!
so have a great chinese new year!
see ya!