4th March ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
yay! im fifteen, i turned fifteen at 7.07pm today! haha. today was really fun! cos i received my presents from my beloved clique. the three of them (diane, elyssa and janice) gave me real great prezzies. they came up with a photo of the four of us doing some crazy facial expression, haha. it is hilarious! and on the photo frame reads happy birthday and fifteen fabulous. hehheh, that photo is on my table and whenever i look at it, i will smile to myself, maybe laugh, cos i will recall all the funny memories that we have together. (that's why i always laugh or smile to myself, i'm thinking of them!) hehe. then i received samuel's(not my cousie, instead samantha) present. it is the book by jodi picoult, i forgot the title. oops. aniwae, THANKS A LOT GALS! I LOVE YOU ALL WITH MY HEART!
then at night time, my family went out for my birthday dinner. we went to this chinese cruisine place called king crab dunno what at serangoon central. it is at some coffee shop, n i didnt mind cos i dont need air con as lonas the food is good. and yes, you could say that the food was fab!
we had crab beehoon, scallop with baby kailan, deer meat, cereal prawn and mee with rice. though you may think that this isnt much, it was really quite a lot for my family. the food is really good, with scallop so sweet, deer meat so tender, crab so fresh. it was almost heaven. so we ate till we couldn't. hehheh. then we went home and i still had to do my lit homework. see, im so poorthing, on my birthday still have to do homework. there was once, it was worse. when i was in primary school, i had a test the day after my birthday, so when i was singing my birthday song, i was remembering that i had some stupid test the next day...
at 11, after almost all the food from dinner was digested, mom took out the cake. ice cream cake for haagen daas! hehe, so thrilling yet fattening! :( the flavour was macadamia. my fam started singing the birthday song and taking lots of photos. i took quite a number with er jie and dajie! yay! ate the cake, it was fantastic! thanks a lot daddy for treating me on my birthday dinner and cake and contacts(?). sure it came up to quite a sum.
after that, birthday girl worked through the night till 1 to organise her party for friendz the next day. lemme tell u it was all worth it, lemme tell you about it later!
5th March (btw, this is tuition lao shi's birthday as well as emerald's, the girl sho lives in the same block as me!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
woke up, was very excited, however anxious on the outcome of my party. went to school, and blah blah, the normal school stuff... and nadine gave me a letter and a realy sweet present, it is little childish for me too, nonetheless, the thought is more important. at least it makes my feel young again (like 3+ as indicated on the cover of the 'toy'). THANKS nadine! and esther gave me hers after the party, but i shall talk about them here. yes, it's a them, she gave me so many things. lol! 1. a card that she admits that she misses me a lot, is thinking of me, thati am special to her, want me to know that im fondly remembered, and wants me to have a good day. okay! esther, i've gotten ur message, THANKS A LOT esther! and she definitely made my day excellent by coming to my party! 2. another card that keeps emphazing that im a good, great, generous, optimistic, kind, generous friend. hehe, she's a real servile flatterer, i cant be that perfect! :) 3. a cute cartoon of winnie the pooh and co. cute! 4. a book, one her favs, but not one of mine, but the thought truly appreciated. the book is chicken soup for the christian teenager's soul. hehe, im not really interested in chicken soup. yup, and that sums up the presents i have received so far.
so let me talk about my party! yay, it was so fun although i was on the verge of losing my voice with all the shouting games and being the party coordinator. at 3, all my friends were gathered at my home, elyssa and janice came later for some reasons and got caught in a storm! they came quite soaked. janice started telling us how she and elyssa were at the traffic light and there was one hugh torrent gushing, elyssa chimed in that she was jumping and screaming. lol, and that's what i experienc every time i go home wih such weather. my whole socks will get wet just with that torrent!
then while i was in the kitchen preparing drinks for my guest, the dorbell rang and my unsuspecting friends thought it was my father. they opened the door to find themselves staring at the face of some malay pizza guy. lol. yeah, so mom said grace and we sat down and ate pizza. at the lunch table we caught up with many things of the past and relived jokes. the dining room was filled with the croaky laughter of janice, the giggles of diane and the normal laughter of the rest. ooh, i forgot to mention who were my guest, they were diane, elyssa, esther, isabelle, janice, nadine and shariel. after lunch, we had to bid fareell to isabelle who had music lesson in school, crappy janice said that she was so sad at isabelle's parting that she wanted to mourn, oh whatever janice!
then we sat down to play guess the famous person game. it was really hilarious! nadine had da chang jin, and then my clique started singing th wu la la song. hehe, it was super obvious but poor nadine couldnt get it. ah heng got s.r nathan and after a few rounds, she had obtained clues that it was a he and an important indian. so than she guessed. esther had marie curie, but because many people didnt know who that was, we dropped the poor scientist. shariel had jessicca liu, and she kept guessing rui en, joanne peh. then she remembered jesseca something.. then janice (who loves to give my game away) said amanda liew lah! then shariel exclaimed, "oh! jesseca liu!" haha, that cmae to te end of the first game.
the second was charade, i had split the group into 2 teams. babes- heng, teo and ng. chicks- tham, chew and goh. (i've suddenly gotten a preference for surnames, they are easier to type!) they were to send one person up and tha person had to act out a phase of words for her team members to guess. some phrases were like put yourself in someone's shoes, will you marry me?, the leap years etc. babes were doing too good a job and they led 10-0. so i had to do a tribal swap. chew and teo switched teams. haha, it was more fair from then.
after that, we went down to the void deck for the outdoor games. the third game was the blind feeding and blind eating. in their original groups, my friends had to send a volunteer, they were chew and ng. a twist for the game, they would do the easier task of instructing their teammates on feeding and eating while blindfolded. however, to make more challenging, they could only use words ee ah orh. for babes, teo was the consumer and heng was the feeder. standing for chicks were goh the consumer and tham the feeder. on go, the instructors would give instructions for the feeder to feed the consumer. the food was prawn cracker and f&n orange mixed together and the drink was f&n orange, the first group which finished wins. it was really entertaining to watch the blind people perform actions. janice had poked nadine's eyes, fortunately, the blindfolds protected her eyes. and it came to as quite a shock for nadine to eat the strangly tasted and weird tasting prawn crackers and she and janice could not stop laughing. i too had a great time laughing at them!
subsequently, we played break-the-ice-shirt-and-socks-and-put-them-on game! each group was given a block of ice. they had to break the ice, dismantle the frozen shirt and socks, and then get one person to wear them for a photoshoot. (unfortunately, many of my pics taken are corrupted :( so will have to rely on ah heng. hope she has some pics!) so both groups started smashing the ice into pieces like lunantics. and ever so gentle esther could not bear to hurl the ice on the ground, so she jumped with a small block of ice in her hands and gently thumped it on the ground, haha, like she believed that gentleness would melt the heart of ice. and she told me, looking a wise as an owl that putting ice on your neck would make the ice melt real fast, and she really did that! lol!!! despite esther, the chicks managed to claim first place as esther wore the clothing first. babes had a porblem with a piece of ice in one side of the sock, so they came in second.. and last.. harhar, shariel so kindly wore the clothes for them and click click, photoshoot was over. :)
upon finishing the game, we still had a little time, so we played treasure hunt with the two shirts used in the previous game. the first round, er jie and i hid the shirts for the rest to seek, the limits being the first floor only. er jie had this really smart idea of putting a shirt in the lift. haha, it took them some time to find it! the second round was done by diane and janice. they had hid one shirt on some roof of the sheltered walkway, lol, they just threw the shirt up and just hid it in that really unnoticeable place, thank goodness, i had meant to throw the shirts away!
then at 5, we went up to cut cake, however, mom wasnt ready. so we played wacko. with a different way of playing it, we hada to use our names spelt backwards instead. i was asil (not bad huh? but very easy to call). some really hard ones were janice's: ecinaj and esther's: rehtse which many of us ended up pronouncing as wrestle when the game sped up. lol! nadine's sounded a like a nice guy's name: enidan. shariel's: leirahs, diane's: enaid and elyssa's: assyle (as-silly or ass-silly if you want it.)(take away the e and add um gives u assylum, hehe.) we played many rounds which involved bullying esther into making her confused on which direction to hit as all of us started shouting anyone's name and pointing anywhere. lol, poor esther looked so confused that she might have a mental breakdown. she is so cute!
finally, my cake (of rather cakes, there were 2 u see) was done! it was a large version of durian puff and mango yoghurt puff. i love puffs and a lovey durians! so i got really crazy over this cake. only some pathetic friends of mine who couldnt stand durians took the alternative. haha, they don't know what they've miss! my! i had ice cream cake the day before and now durian puffed cake. so hairpee!
so that summs up my birthday! to my friends, hope you've enjoyed my specially planned birthday party. hehe, :)
here are some pics. sorry i dont have the game ones cos they are corrupted for some stupid unknown reason. but let's be happy with these!

my ice cream cake!

me and my cake

three of us

all of us

four BEST friends!

my frienz and i with the cakes (one blocked by green tea bottle)!

me cutting the mango yoghurt cake

my clique's tomato for me! i like, except that it is so red until it looks like a rotten tomato!

their notes of love

gifts from the rest of the foursome.

from samantha or rather samuel

from nadine. note the 3+ sign at the top right hand corner. is nadine trying to say im childish or is she trying to indicate that im young and youthful? lol

a nice surprise letter from belle. thanks!

from samuel

from nutnut

from beloved esther

the cute kangaroo from esther
i went from geog challenge at nus, it was really interesting and a good experience! and i've gotten my contact lense! yay! i took a little while to learn to put them on. it is not because im not daring enough to touch my eyeball, ball cuase my eyelashes kept interfering. :) but now i can wear them quite quickly. :) yay for me!
alrightie, school hols are coming, see ya all in school next term!