lemme recount yesterday's reunion dinner. anyway, i went from church with auntie wan teng and skipped 2nd service. at home, i had planned to nap a while, but one moment of folly and i washing my hair, so i couldn't nap anymore, haiz.. i decided to read the papers and practise my guitar pieces. haha, i have become very diligent in practising it cos i want to master the runs till they are seamless and on par with the perfect syf standard. i would say, progress is on the way. :) then my hair was slightly drier, so lay face down on my sofa and turned on the ceiling fan to blow dry my hair. and when i just got myself into a comfortable position, my family came home. my mom was going to cook while my sisters and dad were going to do last minute shopping. i meant that the sisters shopped, my dad mainly paid.
so we went to heartland mall, i bought a pair of shoes that were uncannily the same colour as the dress i had bought on wed night. yep, i remember being a little hungry, so i purchased a value pack of the kinder brueno pack. hehe, i munched away and then dad bought a cup of bubble tea for er jie and me, it's a rare treat esp in my usually health concious family, oh i forgot, my mom was absent that why we had to no objections! :)
headed for home, i used the com and watch the miracle singer, vitas. haha, he falsettos or rather 'screams' with this very shrill sound and i love it, cos it is so smooth, unlike other incompetent singers who would sound so strained going as high as him. by 6.20, my family w as ready to go. i was quite excited to meet my cousins. :)
when we reached, we were not the first as what my er jie had expected. well, there was mama, er gu, da be (oldest uncle) and my cousin chong kai (his brother is chong han, the guy in currently china and was featured in the news), er be (second uncle) with his family which consisted of er be mu and esther (my cousin), wu shu (fifth uncle) and his wife, si shu and family did not come, i guess they had something on. :( however, there were unexpected guest (i do not mean unwelcomed in this case!), there was a family from china who are my distant relatives (they live with er gu). both figuratively and literally. it consisted of the parents and their 17 year old daugther, lucy. figuratively cos they are from china, so of course distant in terms of distance, but literally cos the mom is my dad's cousin, so lucy is my distant cousin. my impression of her was that she's tall, pretty and has really nice eyes, a real chio bu. haha, fianlly i have a good looking relative (haha, im so mean!) anyway, her mom was very hospitable (reminded me very much of mrs xu from china, in case u have forgotten, my china buddy's mom), i was freaking tensed when they were seaking chinese, and whenever she commented at me or looked at me, i just gave her a smile, cueing her not to go further, if not i will just die speaking chinese. haha, and lucy, good thing she has english background, so she could understand us more or less. :)
while waiting for the food, da jie, er jie and i viewed photos of the yester years, every thing was to memorable in their ways, and i even saw myself when i was P4, when i had the luxury of keeping my then straight hair down. haha, if i keep my hair down nowadays, i might be dubbed the albert einstein look-a-like, which is not a complement at all! er jie was very very friendly and she gave lucy a mini intro to almost all the relatives that were 'imporatant' to noe.
following that, it w as dinner time! the food was decent, but i was on a diet, so i just took a little of food. the teens sat together at one table and we had many many interesting topics which mainly covered education and china etc. lucy's here for some study thing, hah, im not very sure actually.
after dinner, i was pressing everyone to play cards games, but i think everyone prefered to talk. so i was a little bored here, cos im not so vocal. the next highlight was taking photo. haha, very funny cos lucy's dad is the photographer by hobby and was super super meticulous about everyone's position in the pic. so we waited for about a good 5 mins before everything was perfect in his eyes. we took a few shots and then the teens went down to play sparklers. it was really fun and for the first time i think, i actually dared to hold the sparklers in such a way that i hand was so close to the sparks and i could feel the burning sensational. though it might be nothing new to u, but im proud that i have become bolder, in the more dangerous way.
to wrap up the fun-downstairs stint, we raring for a jumpshot, which took ages.. lol, let me explain below, with the pics. after that , lucy had to go for some gathering with her parents, so she left us there. we cleared up and then went upstairs.
in the house, er jie and i played our hearts out on the organ (we treated it like a piano, not that we know how to play an organ) i mainly took the upper range of keys and she, the bottom range. we played a wide range of songs, from chinese new year songs, pop songs, christmas songs, christian songs and even singapore communtity songs! lol, and chong kai, esther and da jie had a good time singing their hearts out. hehe. then came my the channel countdown thing. and i caught dai yang tian and jeanette aw in action!!! whooo! dai yang tian is so shuai! haha. after watching till 11.30pm, we decided not to impose on the host any further, so we left.
last night was truly more fun than expected! :) i loved it.
pics :
here's er jie in action, being super approachable n friendly to lucy. :) i dunno what to say, so i look away. lol
family pic, taken with my family cam, quality not there, but at least everyone's in! haha
sparklers! at first during dinner, we were trying to tanslate sparklers to chinese for lucy, but she's smart enough, she noes. but im envious that in the china, they are allowed to release fire crackers and fireworks! not professionals, but just any citizen 30 and above. haha, singapore would be burnt down if we did not implement the ban.

this is lucy. for ppl who dunno. :)
jumpshots taken by mum. we had about 20 NGs ('not good' in directorial terms)! that was so crazy, haha, never in my life did i have to take so many pics before getting one successful. haha, im glad my clique's more experienced in this aspect, if not, we wouldn't be about to steal time between lessons to take jumpshots!
this pic: mum's toooo late, we have alr landed
mum's too early, we heven't taken off . haha, er jie and i are each other's laterally inverted equivalent.
momentarily gave up on jumpshots, all girl cousins here!
the roses and the thorn.. lol
the lone success! er jie cleverly suggested using timer instead of mom manually taking the pic. and it worked! haha, why didn't i, with all my wealth of experience in clique photo taking, not suggest that earlier! haha, im so dumb!
u noe something, i have truly talked a lot a lot here, that means that im finally happy and back to my normal self, cos i can express myself properly. finally... :) festivals and breaks from school does WONDERS!