of yeah, just a thing to add to my previous post, this KS camp was also the first time i had sat (or more accurately, squeezed) into a saloon with eight other people including the driver who was bak wei. it was really cool and fun! on the second day, outside lot 1 after shopping for the food, it was still rainning as heavily as when we had gone there. so we waited for bak wei at the exit of the carpark. then when he came out, noah sat in the front and the rest of the 7 of us hopped into the rear like it was nobody's business! according to jema, the security guard nearby watched us with jaws dropped, lol, jema said that we were like bunnies hopping into a hole! LOL. furthermore, there was a car behind us so matthias who was the last person into the car tried to shut the door, but there was no space and he could not shut it and bak wei was driving off already, lol! then we squeezed like crap and matthias managed to shut it, and i who am very cautious locked it for him. :) had so much fun together! and the camp was great!!!!!!!!! me misses it already. :(
i am waiting for the photos! but the earliest i can see them is after my thailand trip which is thurs, they should be uploaded by the camp photography already. i shall upload some of them in this blog! :):):):):) i shall patiently wait for them bcos there are over 300 pics, or maybe even more! yay!
i have realised something in my this weekend! i have been crazy about singapore. i guess it's the sea games fever. i thnk not many people in singapore bother about the sea games but i'm very patriotic! somehow i have been listening to community songs. somehow.. i dunno why i suddenly like the songs. and singapore BETTER do well in the sea games if not she will be letting me down. so sad that i will not be able to follow the games so well as in bangkok, they will sure telecast but their focus werent be singapore. :( and the only game held in bangkok is bowling, im not so interested in that, i would rather have table tennis, badminton or even swimming! GO SINGAPORE! haha i dunno why but, go sun beibei! i think she's good, eventhough li jia wei's good, sun beibei's cuter!
okay im going to watch the sea games on channel 5 now! singapore must do well!!!!!!!! yay! more gold medals!!!!! yay! :D
see ya!