at 2, nadine came over, we solved a math problem together. at 3, we set off for tennis at pub recreational club. we had some trouble finding the way into the tennis court lol, and we wasted about 10 mins. when we reached, nadine and i were so eager to start playing that multi-tasked on our warm up, doing arm and leg stretches simultaneously, we even got so crazy to the extent of jogging and doing arm stretches, lol, so desperate.
finally finally finally, the most anticipated moment since the beginning of the week materialized! we were playing tennis, seriously and without coaching. we stroked to get into momentum and then nadine started showing me no mercy, giving me wide shots, making me be always on the move. well, i had begged her to give me some leeway as i was disadvantage with flu. haha, though she has only been learning for 2 months at most, she is a killer with her slices and plays tatics like a seasoned war general. she loves to make me run, so i made her run too. we sweat out together. :)
after some time, we decided to play a real game. the score ended 6-2 to me, though nadine lost, she lost very well, considering the little practice she had in comparison to me. :) so very good job done. furthermore, i see her as a potential 'threat' as she would be soon as good as me. :) after the energy sapping game, we were tired, however, my shots were getting more refined and i somehow had more ball control, and i kept making her run. do you see the juxtaposition of the past and the present? haha, and then she was really tired, so my dad, who just made his way to the place, took over. i played with him. he's good too! taking into account that he never plays tennis, only last time.. and he's just too pro in any sport! badminton, table tennis, tennis, running, etc... but i did make him run for the ball, haha, and tricked him a little. hehe. then nadine played with dad, and then i played with nadine again. we ended at 5. by then, we were totally exhausted, imagine that nadine actually wanted to play for 3 grueling hours! she sure couldn't tahan by the end of 2 hs!
after that, we ate dinner and i bought mcflurry! (or whatever it is spelt) i realised i have a fetish for oreo, albeit the china scare. i have been unconciously and conciously eating oreo for the past 5 days! after dinner, nadine came to my house and we watched a moment to remember. it's a korean movie that's super nice and touching. :) nadine left at 10.
this post is more of diary like cos i wanna keep this memory. also, i took some photos. haha, you might be wondering why on earth do i want to take pics, well, it's my way of remembering things, so that when im older, i can look back and smile. like this -> :)
nadine is camera shy! it's so hard to get a pic with her face!
gotcha! first proper pic of nadine today
upon request of nadine. i noe im stupid! but i dun care..
im waiting for nadine to return the ball, see, that's how you get ready for a on coming ball. knees bended, haha, im a fine example!
picking up balls. this is a super tiring task. it drains ur energy more than a game of tennis.
me spinning the ball.
nadine! the other fine example, left hand also must hold racket to get ready for any change of grip.
haha! im making nadine run! nadine running in action!
stroking, being relaxed
dad came along, he reaches for a tricky topspin!
im reaching too for his ferocious return
nadine hits the ball, oh, her balls are scary and skilled
okay, this comes to the end of this post. okay, i think im not writing and in good english. i myself dont understand what is 'this comes to the end of this post'... okay, i think i really need to catch some winks!