Thursday, June 25, 2009

Church camp 2009!

yays!! here's the recount on the most anticipated and most fulfilling church camp i ever had in my life. i must say that im getting more comfortable in ce. cos the people are really nice and very closely knit. haha, i remember being so crazy about camp at least a month before it even kicked off. i had planned my to-bring list before my mid years, that was in mid may... and i pestered my dad for updates daily (he was the comm. member remember..) i pretty much knew almost everything and every game that would be played in camp before the camp itself. LOL..

my family was part of the advance party with uncle kian lye's family. i was super excited cos advance party's always fun, just the thought of 'i knew the campsite before you' makes me feel like having a 'edge' over others. no, im not competitive, just over excited about church camps. uncle kian lye's the camp master, my dad was the rooming ic, so we went up first to handle admin matters, oh, it's only the two of them involved. it was leisure for the rest of us, auntie siew loong and mum, three of us sisters and jonah (uncle kian lye's son) i was still sick on the way up, clogged nose and cough, i felt little terrible.

we reached mersing at about 5. went into a seafood restaurant, the boss told us that they were only ready at 530, so our families decided to jalan jalan as well as shop a little. that was when i discovered that the dried guava i bought from singapore was sold twice the price there, i felt a little twinge of regret, but who knew they would sell it there. anyway, it started to drizzle and it was 530, so we made our way to the restaurant. we had a good dinner, and the badminton finals for the singapore open was being broadcasted. i mistook bonsak ponsana's name as pornsak, then jonah was so cute, he called the guy pornsak too, by then i had realised my mistake, but er jie n i couldn't help but giggle a little. in the end, this little misunderstanding cleared. after dinner, we took another 1h plus to get to the camp site. da jie was going all crazy about the sun setting in the backdrop of a pink sky.

we reached about 7.30. the first impression was good.... :) the chalets were cool, and more spacious than last years. jonah and the three of us went around the camp site, he was becoming more and more of a nice brother to us (he's er jie age). later that night, we played bridge and made the ice bags for the games. after all that tying of the bags, da jie said we are potential tao hwey and fishball sellers. lol.

the next morning, we went out to do more shopping for camp necessities. when we got back, our fathers had some meeting with the resort management and the rest of us congregated at jonah's room. we were going to teach our moms how to play bridge. it was an overall amusing experience, cos it was so interesting to watch our moms bemused expressions when we explained the game to them. they didn't really get it, but we still had fun! after that, we proceeded to do a factory chain for the goodie bags. we were super efficient, n i felt the sense of accomplishment when we finished, we had packed 130 bags!

we then made our way to the main hall. on the way, i saw joanne's family arriving. er jie and i went to greet them. after that, it was pretty much ping pong with josiah for me. haha. soon, nat, marcus and isaac chan arrived, so we played together. very fun!

anybody cares for kung fu ping pong? marcus on the left, isaac chan the hilarious guy on the right. his name sounds familiar? he was one of the people who made my group such a comical one.

isaac chan - auntie pat - uncle ishu. auntie pat's the master mind behind the painting, i just helped her. :) and uncle ishu, my group's beloved leader. such a funny guy too.

my group presentation! i will forever remember it! i was the guitarist, not in the pic, and the women of the group + isaac chan were off stage singing the song did you ever talk to God above. isaac played dual roles of providing the cue for the actions as well as the sole male singer. haha

my group discussion room, also uncle ishu's room. he gave us a lot of camp momentos, and it was volunteery on his part, i doubt any other group leader was as generous as him, and as enthu. haha

camp shot. the faces too small la. but what to do, it's has to be...

at tioman, the fishes are cool

the singers! they are great and great and great! i love their singing, and the guys are really good guitarists. they could entertain u with any song u wanted. including somewhere over the rainbow, sha lalala, im yours, can't take my eyes off you and most importantly, the michael learns to rock song: paint my love!

snorkelers! no such word... but we were really hairpee!

upon arrival at tioman. note: jonah's the guy on the extreme left, :)

the ceramic tile, the brain child of auntie pat. nicole and i helped her. :) im so proud of it.

more fish. this fish came to say HIEEEEE.okay, the pics are totally not in order....

coral or what do you call this? anyway, they had a calming effect on u. very pretty

er jie playing a fool. heh

nat and i. i guess i have to teach nat that she has a backbone. lol, im so mean.

snorkel and co.

chalet style at tioman. super homely

the sub lobby, this lobby was for us only. so cool, it is beside the main lobby. just beside this is the private pool where we teens play pool captains' ball. so fun!

last look at tioman. how beautiful....
bah, shan't continue...