today, prelim's officially over. but it's just the start of the bigger thing. the os. but before thinking about it, my clique decided to go out n have fun first. today, we went orchard, ion orchard area. watched the proposal at shaw house, the we walked around in ion and wheelock. the good thing was that it was such a rare occassion that we go out. okay la, not that rare, we have one out about 2 times this year? the bad thing was that i was suffering from a flu and a little headache, but i still enjoyed myself.
The pics!

at the xin wang hong kong cafe. note, all of us are wearing our clique shirt. so cute right!

further evidence. haha,

me and my mui fan. it was great! pork floss and mui fan make an interesting combo.

elyssa and her favourtie drink of all time - lemon tea

diane with her horlicks and her meal, forgot what it is

elyssa, sam with their chicken congee

janice, chicken congee too with milk tea

best friends in school

after the movie, photo shoot time.

can u see it, it's ion in the background! oooo

elyssa took this. no reason

partial view of ion. how fitting a place to be at after chem paper 1

hah, elyssa cam whoring...


what's this fruit? esplanade's the durian, ion's the
with the fruit.

jumpshot. diane's cam has the better ones. i have to put this up cos the others jumped so nice, yeah, i spoiled it, but im not selfish!

sam's idea of taylor swift. im doing it with elyssa!

from dear diane's cam
doing the taylor swift, forword motion this time

jumpshot #1

using a surface that has total internal reflection. physics! :P



our renditions of taylor swift

i like this pic :)