woot! i absolutely loved the musical! whee! the acting was good, the script was good, the plot great too. the plot was about 3 girls who venture into jericho with a whimsical spirit. they get into trouble and the stress between the different levels of society become greater, these girl have to learn to depend on God to deliver them and overcome their obsatcles. the back drop of the story is the renown wall fall down plot of jericho in the bible. i feel that the story really reminded me of the clay marble, of dara and jantu. haha, the storyline seems so alike! but of course, while jantu died, micah lived.
i really like the potryal of the characters. i give the cast a 4 and a 1/2 out of 5. cos the mains were sec 1s, not that im trying to imply that the younger ones cant put off a good show, but they really proved me wrong during the show. kudos to kael, micah and dee! they were so funny. haha. of course, diane wasn't miscasted, she seemed so natural as a guy. ps, she looked so handsome! haha, that is in my opinion. lol. and i LOVE the shell-i-co part. archanaa or what ever her name is, did great. i just loved the jazz and her gloriously voluminous butt! hah! and the king, very convincing as a tyrannical dud.
in short, the musical was just marvelous! hehheh, im waiting for the DVD if possible. :) i wanna get my copy.
okees, i shall have to go. i have been trying a lot of reversi on the com. playing with experts... losing ALL the time. i won the beginners and intermediates easily. my next challenge: expert! to beat the expert to become a genius in reversi. no lah, all i can do is hope..