1. i had company from 3 of my church friends, natalie, claudia and iva.
2. the admission was free. (thanks to kong wee's help)
3. the place had a revamp, and the it's much more appealing and looks more refurbished
4. the particular 2 bird shows that i watched were very entertaining. (actually they are the only 2 birdshows, the 'birds n buddies' and the 'birds of prey show'). there were quite a few changes made to the shows, making them fresher in presentation, unlike what was shown in the past which were all smiliar for the almost 5 visit i had made. i will tell more about it later.
5. the lory loft! that's where we really got up close to touching birds, in fact they came to us! will tell more later.
6. the waterfall though fake is the only waterfall in singapore, i think.. it was really refreshing just to stand near it. :)
okay, 6 reason! wow! that's amazing for such a small place. u noe, my friends and i were making a joke on how small singapore is. we were sort of complaining that the birdpark was rather small and there was not really that much to see, and put blame on singapore for being so tiny. (that didnt mean we didnt complain about walking, i admit, i did the most complaining. ;)) so when we walked past the ostrich enclosure, my friend spotted the ostrich eggs and remarked that they were so small, unlike those that we have seen elsewhere, then i quipped, 'everything in singapore is SMALL..' haha, and everyone laughed.
okay, back to the very beginning, at 12.45, i met nat and then we made our way down to boon lay. there, we meet up with claudia and iva. we took 194 and arrived at the bp. we had free admission and went to the world of darkness. we saw many many owls. there was a pair of dunno-what-breed owls and witnessed them turning their heads 360 degrees! it was quite freaky! haha. and there were some that stared at you with seeming-evil eyes that made you feel like breaking the eye contact before the owl seemed like it was going to gorge your eyes out.
at the entrance, bestfriends - claudia (L) and iva(R)
at the entrance too, with the same bird, best friends - nat and me!
okay, this is the cool head-turning pair. oh that's a pun! well they are truly head-turning because of their beauty and have the ability to head-turn. the one in front has a blurred head as it was turning its head while i took the shot. sorry, there's no video cos i wasn't quick enough.
next, we headed for the first show, the birds n buddies show. the most spectacular part of the show was the parrot speaking, conversing and singing for us! it was really hilarious when the bird spoke mandarin and made clear its intonations. i can say that its intonation's better than mine! haha, i had such a good laugh that my nose got choked and i was officially sick with running/block nose for the rest of the day. oh oh! claudia was one of the volunteers to hold the hoop for the bird to flor through! haha, kudos to her, she's so brave!
after the show, we went walking around until 4, which was the time slot for the 2nd show. the second show, as mentioned earlier, was the birds of prey show. the birds really got super close to the audience! the host of the show pretended to be a waiter and held a metal plate. on it, there was a piece of meat, the vultures (close to 7) had the task of trying to snatch the piece of meat off the tray, and of course gobble it up. and the audience's task was to scream whenever a vulture got close to the host and he would duck to prevent the vulture from achieving its goal. okay, that sounds lame, but it was exhilarating! the birds were such aggressive creatures that you cant help but feel like 'torturing' them. so the birds had to work very hard in order to get their piece of meat. through this whole process, the birds flew around the audience stand. swooping low many times, making the audience super excited. the pair of young girls seated behind me almost made me deaf with their incessant screaming. it show truly made everyone lively and alert. :)
after the show, the four of us went around for walk around the whole of the bp. i shall talk about the highlights. that is, the waterfall! the waterfall was cool! i just love rushing water, cos it's very relaxing and refreshing. and there, i met 3 koreans! well, they were ah sohs, but not bad leh, haha and i still had the courage to us one of them to help us take a group shot! actually i couldn't tell that they were koreans until nat told me after the pic was taken, then she prompted me to thank them in korean, but i didn't dare. lol.
with red birds, claudia and iva were disgusted with their colour, but well, red's my favourite colour, and i couldn't resist a pic with a background of red. :)
taken by the korean, not bad lah, cos she was really clueless at first on how to take a decent shot. haha, but she pass lah! the four of us are very happy here! the cool in the air!
best friends, but we are all good friends. iva has her hood on, upon my request. :)
next, we proceeded to the lory loft. there, we feed the lories. they are such adorable creatures, only to have one be flaw, they are super greedy! the do almost anything for food, even 'clawing' its feeder. that is what a bad bird did to me. well sort of lah, cos it flew on my back and i could feel it's claws, thank goodness they weren't talons! the bird soon rested on my shoulder and attempted to get some of the food in my hand, okay this bird was really desperate, it dropped all barriers and even came volunterrily into contact with some stranger in hope for a morsel of food. definitely not wise, but i am of course a every understanding and accomodating person, i did not shoo it away or punch it off, in short, i did not disturb it at all! (however, i was indeed quite afraid of it shitting on me!) haha!
a lory, oh my little lory! it's so rich in colour that it looks fake!
the 2 of them with greedy birds. argh lories are so greedy for food!
here, im feeding 3 lories, see! this is solid evidence that lories are really greedy! 3 birds squeezing their heads into a container to get their beak into some mash of bird food.
nat, she shrieks when birds are at close proximity! so this's a rare pic! she was so scared and was screaming non-stop! i took me pains to take this pic, nat.
taken at the lory loft entrance.
birds of a feather flock together? it seems really true!
claudia likes this soft toy, oh.. it's cute but it's only a soft toy. haha.
went to the penguin expedition, see the pic for a better description of the place.
at the penguin expedition. the penguins were sadly dead(not literally!). maybe they were napping after their meal time.
so we did not really have a chance to 'interact' with these swimming birds
upon exiting, we went though the souvenir shop. there i witness another pair of korean tourists. one was a middle-aged lady and a younger man, probably her son. they were requesting for something very interesting. guess... haha, they were requesting for parrots, not magnet ones, not soft toy ones, but real ones! the staff there had to explain to them that there wasn't sale of birds at the birdpark, instead, they could have a try at the pet shops. haha! this pair of tourist are so eccentric! i wonder how on earth they will transport the bird back to their country! maybe install gps on the bird and let it fly its way to korea! good idea!
ah, acting cute huh!
finally, after the trip at the bp, the four of us intended to catch a movie at jurong point, however, without very appealing movies available, we decided to forgo the movie. we went to eat dinner. the food was really good. i ate duck noodles, the duck was very nice! and nat ate tom yam noodles, whoa, very spicy i must say, but very very addictive! i drank some of her soup and almost could not tahan, but i still drank cos it was so addictive!
after dinner, we ate waffles and ice-cream at scoopz. it was nice! :)
after that, we headed for home. :)
tada! today was fun! haha