okay, instead of a lor sor essay, im sure you are more interested in pictures. so lemme allow the pics to tell the story. :)
the 2 mums! mum and i went to mama's house to pick her at 6.30. okay mum and mama were discussing money for the hong bao, that explains the money that they are holding.
the three cousins. julia, samuel, and i
when we reached the hotel, we were directed to the ballroom, to table 38, not long later, auntie hannah came along with her family and of course, samuel!
the aspiring doctor? haha, samuel is clad in my sister's white coat from school. she had come from school and told me she had touch a dead body, as in to examine it. uh hem!
er jie and samuel! the two of them are cute!
from L, my mum's sis auntie hannah - mum - mama!
samuel and i, he is so cute and so darn smart. haiz, he reads chinese epics in chinese that i hardly understand, well that is, he tries to understand, but his chinese is so much better than mine. some more, he knew about the brownian motion before i did.
taking picture with the bride's mother, auntie jenny. she's my mom's cousin. so there are two sets of cousins here, auntie hannah and auntie jenny, samuel and me (or my sis). well, auntie jenny looks well younger than her real age!
taken with the bride's family. the bride's in the middle with her husband. on the right is her younger sis and her husband. on the left is her brother and her mum.
yeps, so that's the wedding for you. ps, one of my favourite songs, 你今天要嫁给我 was sung. and i was so excited! haha. :)