i met janice at kovan then we met up with sam and elyssa at ps outside auntie annes. went to pasta mania to eat a haiwaian pizza, it was very delicious. aniwae, janice and i were commenting on the self proclaimed number of pasta the restaurant had served, they boasted that they had 8 million plus in all their outlets, we were thinking that they could have just put up any number to please the customers.
subsequently, all of us went to buy tickets for the movie the coffin. harhar, a horror movie, the first one i would be watching! not counting the excerpts miss dong showed us for lit. yup, then since the movie started in 1hs time, we went shopping at carrefour for the dessert stuff for class party. and elyssa wanted to grab her david archuletta cd the time it was released but unfortunately it hadn't arrived. so we went macs, bought drinks to smuggle into the theatre by putting them inconspicuously into our bags. then got our popcorn and then went to the hall. the movie was okay lah. i was a little scared here and there cos horror movies always catch u when u are unsuspecting. though i didnt really enjoy the movie cos i was half the time figuring out what was happening (and i never managed to) but i definitely learnt what's the best thing to do when i watch a horror movie next time (though i doubt i would) i have to always anticipate what's next and the best time to do that is when everything is so quiet and still, that is the favourite time of the director's cos her/she would most likely succeed in frightening u badly if u do not be careful and fall into the trap of suspense. haha, actually i learnt a bit of this in lit, so im was very wary of every suspense in the movie, i guess that made me more prepared for the scary scenes. poor janice and sam (even though she's in the same lit class as me, i guess she's more fragile by nature) were screaming and yelping. janice even went to the extent of hiding behind the popcorn box, haha, then i was wondering why on earth did she pay 6 bucks to watch a still picture in front of her.
after the movie, elyssa finally got her david a cd and sam bought too. then we made our way to to kovan to buy diane's birthday present. n as tradition entailed us to trick her, we did and she ended up with the wrong company. the rest of the day pretty much sucked.
we got lost a little on the way to mrs wong's house cos elyssa rmbed 21b but there wasnt any 21b, instead it was 11b! so we were walking a little aimlessly and even asked a few not-so-eager-to-help passer bys. finally we got to the house after sam called sarah. n there was the start of all troubles. but im glad we've patched up.
last sun, my family and nat's decided to meet up for dinner! we were all sooooooooo bursting with excitement cos it had been years since the last time had dinner together. her family and mine had this tradition since young to meet up at each others' house alternatively for dinner every sun after church. that explains the strong ties i and erjie and dajie have with nat and her siblings (or sisters u can say. :) ) and our moms cooked the bestest food to savour. haha. however, when i was a bout p2 or somewhere thereabout, we discontinued this tradition, probably cos everyone was getting more and more busy and i think nichelle was born so it was hard to have this kind of visitations. :( so last sun was special cos we were meeting up once again, and this time of course with dear nichelle! buy, er jie and i were so excited that we wanted to bring our cam. sadly we only took 1 pic, at the restaurant.
we went to soup restaurant at changi airport. the wongs went first so they had a table ready by the time my family went in. i sat with nat and aunty wan teng (nat's mom). we ordered or rather, uncle chee choong and dad order our dishes. we had chicken meat with lettuce, fish dish and soup etc.... i forgot alr! haha. the food was not bad, but since i came out from china being pampered with all the chinese food, i somehow had expected more food, like the treatment in that i received in china, lots and lots of chinese food, unfortunately, i had to be brought back to earth, chinese food did not equal tonnes of food. :( haha. so i was a little disappointed cos the food wasn't a lot, but i guess i have to change that ridiculous idea of mine.
this the pic! but it's so dark, haiz. :( er jie, nicole (biggest sis), noelene (third sis), nichelle (the baby of the family), nat (the sec sis and of course, my best friend!) and me. im wearing my man u shirt! btw, for extra info, a man probably in his thirties, sitting at a neighbouring table was so captivated by the no. of girls my table held. lol, if only if dajie was around, that would have brought the tally to a perfect 7!
after dinner, while the adults were all praising prof hanko to the skies for his wonderful sermon that morning, all the kids went for our tour around the airport. it started with us going to the toilet. i accompanied nichelle and then nat decided to come along. on the way, nat felt naseaus and complain that we stomach was giving her a little problem. lol, then nichelle and i joked that she was preg. then we walked past a real pregnant lady and compared her with nat, lol, nat was unfortunately too thin to bear any resemblance. cos we were so happy go lucky, we were laughing our way to the toilet. there, the rest of the girls joined us. after each one of us had visited the toilet, we embarked on our self organized tour about the airport. boy! that night was absolute fun! and we bonded very well. i will just share the highlights.
as girls, we are most self concious about our weight, so we weighed ourselves on the luggage wighing scale, both individually and in total (the platform was wide enough to stage all of us). our total mass was 255kg! haha, we were crazy, but we were happy. we didnt care the stares we got from others and maybe the security officer couldnt be bothered by there few good for nothings.. lol. and er jie was a little too unhappy about her weight and kept complaining to us that she's fat... lol. then we explored the enormous lift that transported all the heavy trolleys and baggage. when er jie walked in, i was naughty enough to set the overweight 'alarm', of course, it was my noise but it was real enough to get er jie into a split second of shock. lol! she really thought that the lift despised her weight! everyone dropped in peals of laughter at the trick, er jie laughed too!
after that, we decided that we wanted to explore T3 since T2 was so boring. it would be my 2nd time there after departing for china there. i rmbed the interesting decors the ceiling had. i was excited, cos i had an 'advantage' over the others were entering for the first time. we hopped onto the skytrain and it brought us to T3! we were so away from our parents and they didnt know. at T3, we went to see the new crowne plaza. it was cool and high class, but the lift denied us access to the corridoor of the rooms. the security was strict and only by the presentation of the card was one allowed access to the corridoor and all the facilities. haiz, too high class that we kids could not even go and dream about going up. T3 also did not offer much except for shops. we planned to go budget terminal but instead caught the skytrain to go back to T2.
nic had a craving for ice with waffle and i too. we wanted to be merry and get fat. er jie was tempted too. so we went swensens but never had the cheek to order something cos we had not a penny on us. noelene called her mom to come but the adults, who were at macs, refused to bulge. so in the end, we had to be satified with fires and mac flurry from macs. then the event was brought to a close. oh man, it was so fun! :)
just yesterday, on sat, i went tennis with nadine. thanks to a few good games as mix doubles with isaac and xavier, her passion for tennis is revived! haha, now she can't wait to go back n play. after tennis, nad cam over to my house to help mum bake. we also looked at my pics on the com, had some good laughs. haha. then upon my invitation, she went with my family to the reformation day conference. prof hanko was the speaker and he spoke about the unconditional convenant of God. i hope nad understood a little, cos she said it was cheem. but im glad where prof was a little funny at times and nad did laugh, that meant that she was listening! i hope God will work in her heart so that she can become more sister in Christ. :)
after the rdc, my family and aunty ee fong brought prof out for dinner at pow sing restaurant. aunty ee fong is super funny, and prof too. u noe, prof's so tall that when he was walking to the table, his head could hit the ceiling beam that was so high for asians, good thing he bent a little to avoid it. he even joked a little when he said that his head could ring the bells (the christmas ornates hung at the beam). prof settle between aunty ee fong and dad, i was beside aunty ee fong and er jie beside me. when my dad gave prof the honour of ordeing some dishes, aunty ee fong made him order a few dishes by the pictures presented in the menu cos prof wasn't too familar what was nice. so said he could look at which art appealed to him and when he pointed at them, we would make sure it turned edible! lol! okay, so we had sweet and sour pork, fish, black pepper chicken, lotus root soup and veg. a simple fare but the food was great. anw, throughout the time together last night, prof was super cute and funny. i laughed so much! he's actually much different from his what his usual stern expression during preaching tells u. i once thought that he seldom smiled, what more joke, but he really prove me wrong.
at the end, my family and aunty ee fong had the opportunity to see his room at YMCA. it was more of a super comfy apartment. the room was very very nice and was like a sophiscated 2 room condo. the was even a sheltered swimming pool. btw, a fact to prove how tall he is, his shoe size is 13 to 14! that's twice my feet size! and most of his clothes are tailor made. lol, amazingly tall guy here, probably 2m ++. haha. and if u didnt noe, he's 78 alr, but still as fit as a 50 year old! haha, i really respect prof now!