yay! this sat, i went for ck and it was rock climbing. it was super fun! it was my 2nd time rcing since the first time when i was P5, at P5 camp. haha, that's so long ago, but i reached the top when i was P5, so this time, i told myself to do the same.
we rced at safra yishun club. the name is something like that.. yeah, so when we got there, we had to fill up a form. it was sort of a medical background reveal all kind of form, i guess the management was making sure that they would not be held responsible for any casualties should the person adamantly rced even though he/she knew he/she was not in the right physical form. after that, we paid 5 bucks each (isaac paid for us first then we paid him at the end). it's actually 10 bucks, but since claudia knew someone from inside, we got half the price! :) thanks claudia!
next, we went to the gymnasium of sorts where there were rock climbing walls as walls. so we first-timers and unfamiliarist could try out and practice first. the floor was actually padded cushion, so that if we fell, we did not fall to injury, instead, to cushion. i climbed a fair bit a then even got game enough to race with nat. lol, but i lost. my excuse: the 'rocks' on my side were much smaller and grip unfriendly, also, i had shorter limbs, so i could not reach for the ceiling as easily. okay, i realised that i should change the word 'excuse' to 'excuses'. well, i think humans are very good at making excuses whenn they don't do well. yay, im human... lol. finally, i felt brave enough to try the ones outside. u shall see how scary looking the rcing walls were. they were a good 5 storeys high walls.
claudia went first. she tried some tricky wall, but she passed it as if it was nothing. i think she really inspired us to rock climb and finish it. btw, she's level 2 in rcing, that's the highest level, if im not wrong, so we had some professional help here. ;) after claudia, nat felt so spunky that she went next, but doing a less challenging one. she did well and reached the top before long. :) good job nat! then more and more of us became intrepid souls and gave our best. look out for the pics on those who reached the top. i didnt take all done, but great effort everyone! :)
anyway, at the end of it all, the group went for dinner near north point. uncle john aka uncle fai chong treated us to dinner! see the pics below, all of us were so happy! :) (too bad nat couldn't join us. :( )

setting off. :) both of us wearing contacts

2 pairs of sisters. :)

er jie the belayer. she learnt her skills when she was in rgs. so good!

yeah, nat has conquered the wall!

following conquerors. elias and isa!

whoo, im going up (haha, i realised it is a sister act, we are almost in the same pose!)

n up

and i've finally reached! poor erjie, used up some of her energy belaying others before, now she was quite tired

my dearest belayer, claudia, waiting so patiently. whoa, she looks so relaxed here, thank goodness she did not drop me!

yay, we've both reached! i waited for erjie, see i so nice!

taking pic. i was probably scared out of my wits cos of the height i was at, im terrified of heights!

noelene, me, erjie in our rock climbing 'underwear'. the proper term: harness...

elisa and i. she belayed my sis and got rewarded with a huge blister on her right hand. ouch! she has o's this week! i pity her! thanks elisa, but i doubt she will read this. :(

another belaying skill?

erjie the belayer. (with my 'crush' in the background, lol only nat and noelene will understand this ;) )

the little girl at the rocks!

sisters! but i wished i had sat properly. if not it will so nice! both of us wearing blue!

here're the walls for u! 5 storey worth of climbing. the middle's a terror, we witness some NS guy climbing it and he was shrieking in pain with each pull up the top section. unfortunately, he nvr got to the top, he kept falling... so sad for him

dinner! looks like some reunion dinner! okay lemme intro the the ppl here. starting from me in a clockwise direction, me - jemima - tze yan - ivan - boaz - uncle fai chong - claudia - bernice - iva - isa. :) boaz and claudia are siblings and uncle fai chong their dad. iva and isa are sisters. erjie was taking the pic, so she isn't in. :(
btw, im not giving up on my china trip recount, though it will take super long! stay tuned, (if u are patient enough!)
setting off. :) both of us wearing contacts
2 pairs of sisters. :)
the 'gymnasium' cool huh! im the spiderwoman in the plug my guitar shirt. yeah, cca shirt..
three church best friends. nat, lisa, noelene. im surrounded by the wong sisters
erjie trying out rock climbing. she's probably thinking: it's no sweat, im cool..
didnt take a pic of claudia, so nat's the first for my cam. nat rciing, sweetie iva belaying her. i bet iva didnt sweat much, nat's light as an ant, nope not a feather.. im not so cliche
er jie the belayer. she learnt her skills when she was in rgs. so good!
yeah, nat has conquered the wall!
following conquerors. elias and isa!
erjie and i. whoa, i was a huge feat! i sweated throughout! i took about 5 mins to finish the wall... :( tsk, so lousy
whoo, im going up (haha, i realised it is a sister act, we are almost in the same pose!)
n up
and i've finally reached! poor erjie, used up some of her energy belaying others before, now she was quite tired
my dearest belayer, claudia, waiting so patiently. whoa, she looks so relaxed here, thank goodness she did not drop me!
yay, we've both reached! i waited for erjie, see i so nice!
taking pic. i was probably scared out of my wits cos of the height i was at, im terrified of heights!
going down! big butt i have... :(
belayer and conqueror
noelene, me, erjie in our rock climbing 'underwear'. the proper term: harness...
jump! i was too fast and spoilt the pic. :(
elisa and i. she belayed my sis and got rewarded with a huge blister on her right hand. ouch! she has o's this week! i pity her! thanks elisa, but i doubt she will read this. :(
yay! uncle fai chong the paradigm of fitness even during older ages. what i mean is that he isn't as young, but he managed to complete the daunting trail upwards. btw, he's a grandfather alr!
another belaying skill?
erjie the belayer. (with my 'crush' in the background, lol only nat and noelene will understand this ;) )
the little girl at the rocks!
sisters! but i wished i had sat properly. if not it will so nice! both of us wearing blue!
here're the walls for u! 5 storey worth of climbing. the middle's a terror, we witness some NS guy climbing it and he was shrieking in pain with each pull up the top section. unfortunately, he nvr got to the top, he kept falling... so sad for him
dinner! looks like some reunion dinner! okay lemme intro the the ppl here. starting from me in a clockwise direction, me - jemima - tze yan - ivan - boaz - uncle fai chong - claudia - bernice - iva - isa. :) boaz and claudia are siblings and uncle fai chong their dad. iva and isa are sisters. erjie was taking the pic, so she isn't in. :(
okie dokie, i gtg!
btw, im not giving up on my china trip recount, though it will take super long! stay tuned, (if u are patient enough!)