yesterday, i went for the midsummer nights dream play. it was awesome! it was extremely comical, i liked the characters of bottom (pyramus) and flute (thisbe). i literally laughed till i had a dry throat and almost teared. actually, this play was pretty OBSCENE! that makes what bottom said that they will 'rehearse most obscenely and courageously' true and not a malaproism! LOL. there was a scene of a kiss between bottom and peter quince (good thing he was acted by a woman, if not it would have been unacceptable for me, but peter quince is supposed to be a guy, so this is confusing!). demetrius staring right into helena breast (his nose was almost in her cleavage, imagine the proximity, almost smelling ahem...). titania sitting on bottom's stomach, erm.... and the most offensive of all pyramus and thisbe, instead of speaking through the cranny, spoke through the real hole of the wall (played by tom snout), that is his butt and penis! EW! the last one is definitely an addition on the crew's part. the text talks nothing about the other 'hole' i stole glances of sam during these scenes, and her mouth was agape, my expression was probably of pure disgust!
all in all, the play was thoroughly enjoyable, i do not mean the sick parts, but the comedy of it all. the actors were competent and to be able to speak their lines so fluently, i must take my hat off them. im hoping to catch some reviews of the play in life (strait times), i hope they are positive ones, cos this play deserves it. personally, i would give it a 4.5 out of 5. haha, half mark gone cos of the obscenity. yeah, it's that good! well, for the obscene parts, i really wished janice was there, she would enjoy it to bits.
okay, the second thing im going to talk about is my pen pal! im going to have a pen pal! haha. she's from the US and is my church's american minister's grand daughter. i think having a pen pal is cool. i previously had 1 'pen pal' from portugal, we chatted a lot on msn n i shared my knowledge about singapore and she shared hers of portugal. it was always a joy to talk to her, but ever since she enter law school and never being official pen pals, i talk less to her now. but i still do! it's hard cos we prefer to chat, and chatting requires a common time, which is another challenge cos of the time difference. this time, Gwen, my new pen pal, is going to email me instead, so i foresee that this will last long! :)
last thing, and the most distressing. i have 2 sties on my left eye eyelids. so painful that i feel like crying... argh!!! mom says it cos of the heaty stuff that i have been consuming. i admit it could be because of that, but i cant help it, all the stuff i like are heaty. like chocs, cookies, hokkien mee, mango and even tom yam etc..... owwww!! im screaming in pain now. every blink reminds me of the sties... i so wish that er jie is already a doctor, so that she can heal me. :(
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Random things
i have bad news pertaining to my results. they are horrendous!!!! i've never done so badly in my entire school life. i had 3 c5s! the only thing 'good' out of this kind of marks is that i have broken record. on a sober note, bad results are good to learn from mistakes and gear up for upcoming test and exams. so, i shall not take it too badly.
on a lighter note, i played with my hair a little today. (oooooh, i have just realised that i keep using the word 'note', maybe this is because i have been playing too much piano these days. :) ) haha! im sure u are wondering what on earth i did that 'bush', well, it has migrated north (haha elyssa, this sounds familiar? i lack creativity to think of something else...) and since elyssa said take a pic and post it online, i have decided to do so. haha, i take elyssa so seriously, but it is fun. besides, my hair is somewhat unique and interesting cos it is super obedient.
can u see it? :s haha
anyway, talking about american idol finale tonight, i am supporting lambert! hehe, i like to oppose elyssa sometimes! :)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Waiting for church camp!!!
yes, this is yet another post on church camp. the only thing in my mind is church camp. i have advanced to the next level, less than one more month of waiting. :) exactly 28 days more to go! hehe, since my dad is in the comm, i get updates about the camp. attendance is great, the best we've had in years! all but 2 or 3 families going for camp. the activities are cool. oh man, nat and joanne, i can't wait. what's more, my family's going as advance party, that means we are going on sunday, after service. boy, that's fun! after camp is tioman island. great time again with a 30 plus strong group. :)
chinese o levels.... get off my back!
someone please explain to me what it means to WAIT!
chinese o levels.... get off my back!
someone please explain to me what it means to WAIT!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
June church camp!
yah! im too excited about my upcoming church camp, excited until cannot study properly. :) hehe. :) im so excited about spend a week out of singapore, and spending the time with natalie and joanne!!!! im counting down to camp! lol... :)
Friday, May 1, 2009
SYF and SOP 2009
hi blog, long time no talk. i dont have a post for april, not even one. argh, i regret it. anw, today's labour day n i shall take some time off to blog about 2 very significant events in late april.
SYF. it was great. i mean our performance. we played soooooo well, the best ever that guitar club of PL has presented. every thing was there, right feel, right techniques, right talents and the best ever commitment. after our performance, mr gaspar, my instructor, said that we pla yed very very well, the best ever that we had ever played. even instructors from other schools commended us and told us that they found no fault with our playing. but it turned out to be so unfortunate, we were award a silver. i remember, on tues when we got our results back (we performed on monday), the foyer was filled with emotions. sooo many of my juniors and guitar friends were wailing buckets. we had put in sooooooo much effort, i say close to 200 hours! and yet we did not get what we deserved.
SOP was good. but i was soooo tired. had spent 16 whole hours in school. yeah, i dead beat went i got home. but i had a pleasant surprise awaiting me. :) i will let the pictures do the talking. :)

nicole being ever funny and elizabeth - chinese partner!

haha, diane's unglam!

what's with that stare diane..

president and i!

traci, me and the ex co members

best friends in guitar!!!!

no bread (mei loti) and clarice. both very funny people.

santine! the cool person on the exterior but warm inside

vice pres wan xin!

here with adeline. she loves ch 8 and i love it too, so we talke about it. :)
SYF. it was great. i mean our performance. we played soooooo well, the best ever that guitar club of PL has presented. every thing was there, right feel, right techniques, right talents and the best ever commitment. after our performance, mr gaspar, my instructor, said that we pla yed very very well, the best ever that we had ever played. even instructors from other schools commended us and told us that they found no fault with our playing. but it turned out to be so unfortunate, we were award a silver. i remember, on tues when we got our results back (we performed on monday), the foyer was filled with emotions. sooo many of my juniors and guitar friends were wailing buckets. we had put in sooooooo much effort, i say close to 200 hours! and yet we did not get what we deserved.
SOP was good. but i was soooo tired. had spent 16 whole hours in school. yeah, i dead beat went i got home. but i had a pleasant surprise awaiting me. :) i will let the pictures do the talking. :)
guitar fwens!
nicole being ever funny and elizabeth - chinese partner!
haha, diane's unglam!
what's with that stare diane..
president and i!
traci, me and the ex co members
best friends in guitar!!!!
no bread (mei loti) and clarice. both very funny people.
santine! the cool person on the exterior but warm inside
vice pres wan xin!
here with adeline. she loves ch 8 and i love it too, so we talke about it. :)
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