i have bad news pertaining to my results. they are horrendous!!!! i've never done so badly in my entire school life. i had 3 c5s! the only thing 'good' out of this kind of marks is that i have broken record. on a sober note, bad results are good to learn from mistakes and gear up for upcoming test and exams. so, i shall not take it too badly.
on a lighter note, i played with my hair a little today. (oooooh, i have just realised that i keep using the word 'note', maybe this is because i have been playing too much piano these days. :) ) haha! im sure u are wondering what on earth i did that 'bush', well, it has migrated north (haha elyssa, this sounds familiar? i lack creativity to think of something else...) and since elyssa said take a pic and post it online, i have decided to do so. haha, i take elyssa so seriously, but it is fun. besides, my hair is somewhat unique and interesting cos it is super obedient.
can u see it? :s haha
anyway, talking about american idol finale tonight, i am supporting lambert! hehe, i like to oppose elyssa sometimes! :)