SYF. it was great. i mean our performance. we played soooooo well, the best ever that guitar club of PL has presented. every thing was there, right feel, right techniques, right talents and the best ever commitment. after our performance, mr gaspar, my instructor, said that we pla yed very very well, the best ever that we had ever played. even instructors from other schools commended us and told us that they found no fault with our playing. but it turned out to be so unfortunate, we were award a silver. i remember, on tues when we got our results back (we performed on monday), the foyer was filled with emotions. sooo many of my juniors and guitar friends were wailing buckets. we had put in sooooooo much effort, i say close to 200 hours! and yet we did not get what we deserved.
SOP was good. but i was soooo tired. had spent 16 whole hours in school. yeah, i dead beat went i got home. but i had a pleasant surprise awaiting me. :) i will let the pictures do the talking. :)
guitar fwens!
nicole being ever funny and elizabeth - chinese partner!
haha, diane's unglam!
what's with that stare diane..
president and i!
traci, me and the ex co members
best friends in guitar!!!!
no bread (mei loti) and clarice. both very funny people.
santine! the cool person on the exterior but warm inside
vice pres wan xin!
here with adeline. she loves ch 8 and i love it too, so we talke about it. :)