notice the 'holes' for the letters B,D,R,A they are circular, that's cos i overlooked this when i did my template, so mom ingeniously came up with inserting chopsticks. the only imperfection about that is the chopstick sinking in (cos the choc is still soft and warm, hmmm... :) ), yep, so it looked a little uneven there. plus when i was removing the template, which was strewn with chopped pistachio nuts, from the cake, i couldn't stop laughing at the way mom was meticulously holding the chopsticks, trying as hard as she could to prevent them from sinking too much. that sent specks of pistachios glittering the forbidden areas. but that couldn't be helped. wow, i really went to this detail to describe the small imperfections of the cake. i guess the theory that women are more concerned about the details is certainly true after all. :)
now to the main content of this entry. on sat morning, nat came to my house to laze. i did not want to touch my work cos i knew i wouldn't be able to concentrate. so we ate up my unfinished breakfast and started viewing childhood pictures. heh, we were so amused but how happy carefree we looked, and remembering how close our families were, my fav pic is all of us girls (excluding nichelle) jumping on a king sized bed at one church camp. i was only 5 then! boy, i silky hair then... hehe. btw, we saw hui qi too, on the 'log' pic. she was so chubby. :)
by then, dad had come to fetch us. i rmb lying to huiqi and joanne that we were on the way there when we were actually snugly viewing photos. LOL. just couldn't resist the lure of memories.
we reach changi beach at about 12.45. joanne and josiah were there alr, picnic stuff all set up. okay, to cut to the main point, we ate, drank, fellowshipped, played frisbe, volleyball, bridge, bang, sang songs with guitar accompaniment, took pics to our hearts content. time passed too slowly, cos we were using it too quickly.
at 3.45, ck finally started, we sang ck songs while waiting for the july babies to come. we they were all finally here, we sang the song, and they blew the candles. we all did our part, everything went smoothly. i received feedback that the cake was great. well, thank God. :) and mommy! :)
exhortation followed. josiah was trying to drive the points about unity and meaningfulness home. heh, can't help but fondly remember the part when his expression changed upon seeing a pair of otters (silly me, i kept thinking it was oysters, until mom corrected me at home). then everyone suddenly jumped up in curiosity, but the otters were scared away by this sudden movement and padded back the waters.
subsequently, we played 3 games that were related to the exhortation. i like the 2nd one most. it was most challenging, although my team faced the embarrassment of singing with our mouths full of water. i cheated. :)
after a little while of rest time, hui qi gave out presents to the july babies. then we ended ck the most regular way - captains ball. and the game ended in the same disturbing way, noelene's leg had a wound from carelessly banging into a dustbin during the game. to me, i felt that this uncannily parallels what happeded last week. this is pretty disconcerting. :(
last but not least, we headed for dinner and changi village. i didn't eat cos uncle beng young came to fetch us. :) i wasn't hungry anyway.
yep that sums up ck last sat. i decided to talk about it here cos it is an exceptional case. :) plus huiqi wants me to blog. i've done a loooooooong post here, maybe you could read one word at a time so that i wouldn't have to blog again before my o's. haha!