now, to mama's birthday celebration on 17th july! her birthday is in fact on 18th july, same as nat and isaac. anyway, i shall just let the pictures do the talking. :)
before dinner. mama's osteoporosis has really taken its toll on her, she used to be taller than me. :(
dinner at nakorn kitchen ( i almost said chicken.. lol) the food's very flavoursome.
my beloved cousie samuel! he likes to raise his hand while taking pics, for no reason.
again hand raised. i decided to do a fleming. no reason too.
playing happy family. old past time, but it makes u think hard!
samuel was attracted to the exercise trampoline
on the way up!
landed. sheer jubilation. he sure is one active little man.
the marble cake! i helped mum bake the cake, and i did all the decorations, with a little help from samuel. hehe, i realised i do very very complicated decorations. maybe i was trying to use up all the choc. haha.
mama so chio! hair so black, teeth all naturally white. lol, i joked that if one said the above phrase too quickly before thinking, it would be hair so white, teeth naturally black.