today, when i first woke up at 7.15am, it was rather reluctant cos i had to inform nadine that tennis was cancelled. mom then asked me what i want to eat then i said crab n lala(a kind of shellfish). i was feeling thirsty n drank water from my cupped hand from the water dispenser n made a big mess of water in my semi conscious(or semi woken) state. mom scolded me for messing up the area n then i went to sleep.
after a mystical dream of me being some funny character, i woke up the second time at 11, i was fresh awake. and on the basin top, i found guess what! 4 CRABs n many LALAs! i immediately started my mission of killing the crabs with my two sisters observing from the sidelines. (do not try this at home unless u have parental guidance, very serious u noe! people have died from a crab pinch)
(u may want to skip this if u are not interested in crab-killing or are too afraid)
firstly, - i removed their carapaces with one 'ccccrrrrrrrkkkkk' sound.
secondly - i removed their 'gills'(not sure what it is called)with a scissors
thirdly - i washed them with a brush
fourthly - i removed their roe onto a small metal plate
fifthly - i put the crabs n the small plate of roe on a large metal plate n into the
lastly - the crabs are done!
see! how lorsor, however detailed.
okay now lets see what my erjie said about me: lisa is a very nice sister who can make crabs very well.
it is very nice remark which can put into my report book anytime, however i see one mistake. i cant make crabs! i can cook them instead. haha!
and my dajie helped turn off the fire when the crabs were done. you see i have very good sisters. :)
also i must say that i have very good friends too. diane, elyssa, janice - my clique friends!
i must say that u all make school so enjoyable for me! thanks for making this year pass so fast, now we are finally done with exams n hope get into the same class next year! :)
this is a pic of us 6 months ago:
n us now: (taken by elyssa's cam n originally form her blog)

yeah, we have been loyal to one another this whole year. n that rawks! :D
alright, enough for today, see ya!