returned report book,
ate lunch out with janice, esther, isabelle and vanessa(elyssa had harp and diane's reason is that her mom already cooked... haiz)
now blogging
going for class party at 6.
in school today, pearlyn passed me the math book, very happy with it! then i distributed money to my classmates, majority were those that i had to look for and not the other way, as if they didn't want their money.. $4.30 u noe, not a very meagre sum for a student.
then want out for lunch with janice, esther and van. at the bus stop waiting for 113, janice, esther and i talked about our impending clique outing. very excited about it. then ah belle came along very innocently. we said and she said hi, then 113 came, then janice said, hey let's ask isabelle to come along. then we asked, and isabelle wan't sure. so we literally dragged her along with us into the bus, afterwhich she would not be able to escape. it turned out the isabelle was fine with going out, but had to inform her mom first.
when we reached our destination, janice and i settled for ban mian(remember we love ban mian, we both ate that on our previous outing too!) esther for duck rice and van ah belle for macs.
from then we had a very good time 'bullying esther' and laughing alot. we took a lot of pics. see below for the videos and pics! (dedicated to daine and elyssa, hope u both become jealous, the consequences of not going out together)
lol, i dragged diane beside me and then she was like,"what" i didnt ans and then she looked up and then said," ohh picture." lol
my dearest friend, u better appeal man
luv u lots!
van with her fringe covering her face, she thinks it's cool
very cute pose
van(who is also diane's cousin) and i!
van's unsuccessful shot of cherlyn, it would have been nice if cherlyn posed nicely for a pic for me to put up here
fion, she was soo busy that she couldn't smile properly for a pic. very beesy!
lovable friends
esther removing imaginary eyeshit!
esther! love u!
eyes closed
black hair...
ah belle and i, guitar pals
van, u did not smile in time for a nice pic!
guitar pals!
retarded pic of esther's specs, she was supposed to take a pic but then she burst out laughing for no reason... this is the result
restraining her laughter
and then laughing like crazy!
"i've no red ears nor a ear piercing! :)"
esther's LA gear bag, woah a bag all the way from LA, no lah, it's for her swim stuff.
nose shit? no have.. :<( janice conned her into taking this funny pic
esther's so adorable! again horny janice conned esther into taking a a shot of the 3 of us from the clique, then at the count of 3 three, both of us ducked away, thus this pic has only esther, the sweetie pie of the clique
3 of us from the clique
three of us, serious this time
beloved friends, esther not looking!
beloved friends, this time esther looking
1st video, esther's crazy laughing and very very cutie! note her swinging front and back numerous times continuously. halfway through the ban mian auntie came! :)
2nd video, esther as usual, laughing...
3rd video, esther saying buh bye! halfway through my stupid card full.... :( note her infectious laughter
and these are the mocca ads esther's so enthralled by:
okay have fun being entertained by esther! :)
see ya!